Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spa Life



This I did helping a friend who's studying health and wellness or reflexology?
He was meant to come up with a price list for his made-up spa. So we came up with a simple name "Spa Life".
Being the designer that I am I decided to turn his price list into a brochure. I worked with an off white and blues as I believe them to be calming colours and I felt that they worked well with a Spa. He wanted bubbles everywhere so thanks to my blending once again I gave him bubbles.
It obviously was not meant to look like it was professionally done as it was just a class exercise so I decided less is definitely more in this case.
I found pictures which related to what he was selling and designed it in such a way that the product is next to the price so as a client you know what you're getting.
All in all it turned out fine and he liked it but given more time I would have worked more with the layout of the pictures as some of them look more like they've just been pasted in and don't form part of the whole design. But for a day's work I say it turned out okay.

1 comment:

Landi said...

the brochure looks fine. i think that the photographs and the text and flat shapes could be better integrated. the typography is also a bit dodgy. other than that please keep posting. i spoke to Onica about your ex-employers. i cannot get hold of them, have phoned and e-mailed. perhaps you should try and contact them to see if they are willing to correspond with me. remember that i need to conduct two visits to your place of work and you need to fulfill the weeks needed to complete the module.