Wednesday, April 25, 2007

one insurance policy

This is by far the worst logo I've designed!
I designed this logo for an insurance company which covers all areas of insurance from house to life insurance. The main objective was to make it a "united" logo to stress it being No.1 and all in one.
The colours are the company colours.
Working on this logo was very difficult as I was working with a difficult client who would not listen to a word I was saying. For a person who claims to be competing with companies like OUT SURANCE he doesn't what he's talking about anyway that is besides the point.

I quite like the fact that it is sort of iconic and I loved experimenting with the whole 3D look, which I must admit was quite a mission until I came across ctrl+alt+B i.e Blending it worked like a charm hence the reason why you'll be seeing a lot more of it in my work. It also made my client happy because felt it was exactly what he was looking for.

The main reason why I hate this logo is because every time I look at it I feel like I've seen it somewhere before so guess that's a big fat zero for originality!

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