Tuesday, October 23, 2007

kiddies page

The magazine that I work on has a page strictly for kids the aim is to teach the kids a certain lesson or scripture through a series of games. On this fun page I decided to play around with shapes as I realized that the previous fun pages were very dull and formal for kids.

We created a little character (top left) who basically introduces the scripture for the games and basically sums up what the page is all about. I also chose to make it as colorful as possible because the target audience is 5-10 so at that age most kids view things according to color, the more color the more they are interested in reading and participating.

Designing this page was fun as i had never really designed anything specifically aimed at this target market before. Although my boss had a bit of a problem with the colors I convinced her that it was the best way to attract the children's attention and keep it there.

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